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Modern Slavery Policy 

Purple Ruler (Enlai International LTD.)

Date of Ratification:



Last Review date:


Next Review date:



Director of Operations: Daniel Demarmels

Safeguarding Lead/Director of Human Resources: Bella Ma


Director of Operations: Daniel Demarmels

Safeguarding Lead/Director of Human Resources: Bella Ma


Director of Operations: Daniel Demarmels

Safeguarding Lead/Director of Human Resources: Bella Ma


Purple Ruler is unreservedly dedicated to understanding, identifying, and confronting modern slavery in all its forms within its business ecosystem. Modern slavery, a dehumanizing crime against individuals, manifests in various ways such as human trafficking, servitude, forced and compulsory labor, and debt bondage. We ardently uphold the principle of universal human rights and adopt rigorous measures to prevent any involvement in modern slavery.

Policy Commitment: is resolutely committed to:

  1. Abiding by all applicable laws and regulatory provisions related to modern slavery, including but not limited to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 182, and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC).

  2. Undertaking thorough due diligence on our suppliers and partners to assess their risk of involvement in modern slavery.

  3. Implementing suitable corrective measures to mitigate any risks of modern slavery discovered through our due diligence process.

  4. Organizing regular training sessions for our employees on modern slavery and human rights.

  5. Increasing awareness about modern slavery within our organization.

Due Diligence Process:

To prevent any inadvertent involvement with modern slavery, exercises comprehensive due diligence on suppliers and partners. This includes:

  1. Thorough examination of suppliers' and partners' anti-slavery policies and procedures.

  2. Site visits to suppliers' and partners' locations to ensure adherence to anti-slavery practices.

  3. Employee interviews at our suppliers' and partners' facilities to identify potential signs of modern slavery.

  4. Obtaining assurance from suppliers and partners regarding their compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Corrective Measures:

If risks of modern slavery are identified during the due diligence process, will respond proactively. Such measures might involve:

  1. Mandating suppliers and partners to take definitive steps to rectify identified risks.

  2. Potentially severing relationships with suppliers and partners involved in such practices.

  3. Reporting any identified instances of modern slavery to the appropriate authorities.


Purple Ruler will promote awareness of modern slavery within our business. This will be done through:

  • Internal communications.

  • Training.

  • Employee engagement activities.

  • Making our modern slavery policy available to our employees.


This policy will be reviewed bi-annually to ensure that it remains effective.


If you have any concerns about modern slavery at, please contact us at: 

Additional Information

In addition to the measures outlined above, Purple Ruler will also take the following steps to prevent modern slavery:

  • We will work with our suppliers and partners to develop and implement anti-slavery policies and procedures.

  • We will conduct regular audits of our suppliers and partners to ensure that they are complying with their anti-slavery policies.

  • We will provide financial support to organizations that are working to combat modern slavery.

We believe that these measures will help us to ensure that our business does not contribute to modern slavery in any way. We are committed to working with our suppliers and partners to create a more ethical and sustainable supply chain.


Legislative Considerations
UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)

International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 182

Guiding Principal Considerations

United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)

The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The United Nations Global Compact

The Ethical Trading Initiative

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